Grammar checker helps you to nail that grammar in 2020

Grammar checker does not help with typos only but as well with phrasing, a poorly positioned word in a sentence can have a different influence on the reader.

After they read your email, newsletter, blog article or some other type of writing content, very few will point to your grammar errors they’ve noticed. Obviously, no one cares about your typos for your good. Also, it seems that for most of us our eyes are prone to see only grave errors. However, those few people who are capable of noticing grammar errors straight away could be a very important recipient or audience to you. So, you certainly don’t want to ruin your message or content.

Does grammar effects SEO?

In a tweet from 2018. John Mueller (Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google) replied to Borislav Arapchev (SEO expert), It’s always good to fix known issues with a site, but Google’s not going to count your typos. It has been some time since that tweet, I’m unaware of any change towards grammar effectiveness on SEO.

Tweet from John Mueller. Grammar checker helps but Google's not going to count your typos.
Tweet from John Mueller

Should we really care about grammar and phrasing?

Many times your writing is the first impression the reader will have about you personally or as a brand. Competition is huge, we all know how hard is these days to make our audience read the content we create and when they do, we better do not ruin it, furthermore because it is very easy to avoid that outcome.

You can start using grammar checker for as low as for free

I’ve compiled a list of grammar checkers that you can have as paid or for free. 

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Jarm Flakris
Passionate about personal self-challenges, analytics, and blogging.