Videos are everywhere and it has been a long time since video marketing was a luxury and affordable to large companies only. The World Wide Web has changed it all and we all should be thankful, especially small business owners, who now among many other tools have access to video editing tools.

Sounds unbelievable but these days you can shoot your powerful, high-quality video marketing campaign using your mobile phone. It doesn’t need to be fancy, it is the creativity that counts, you just need to make sure it triggers your audience’s interest.

You can shoot your powerful, high-quality video marketing campaign using your mobile phone

Presuming that you as a small business owner have already mastered a variety of marketing channels and above all newsletters and social media marketing, your very natural next step is video.

video will account for up to 80% of all Internet traffic in 2020

Whatever you’ve done so far with your marketing content, your future video should make things even better. In other words, the video is the king of content that boosts conversions and sales. Furthermore, video is preferable content by consumers over just text and sound. Not to mention, the video will account for up to 80% of all Internet traffic in 2020.

Grow your newsletter list with video

Did you know that you can collect emails directly in the video (subject to availability as a feature on a video platform) and grow your newsletter subscribers list? You can ask your audience for the email address before the video starts, while playing the video or when it ends. All three options have can produce a different outcome for you.

Video marketing platforms

Start creating, experimenting, analyzing, there are dozens of video platforms available, some of these you can try even for free. Without intention to endorse any, down below I’m sharing with you my compiled list of the video platforms you can check out straight away.

In alphabetical order.

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Jarm Flakris
Passionate about personal self-challenges, analytics, and blogging.